Getting New Books 2005
- Will Willis, David V. Watts(著), トップスタジオ(訳), "MCSE教科書 Windows Server 2993 Active Directory", 翔泳社, 2004(1刷), ISBN4-7981-0699-2, {4800円}.
- ザウルス最強研究会, "極めるLinuxザウルス pdaXromで作る最強環境", 技術評論社, 2005(1刷), ISBN4-7741-2485-0, {1980円}.
- 小堀 憲, "物語数学史", 新潮社, 新潮選書, 1991(9刷), ISBN4-10-60025704, {971円}.
- Leonard Eugene Dickson, "History of the Theory of Numbers Volume II: Diophantine Analysis", Dover Publishing, Inc., 2005, ISBN0-486-44233-0.
- J. W. S. Cassels, E. V. Flynn, "Prolegomena to a Middlebrow Arithmetic of Curves of Genus 2", LMSLNS 230, Cambrdge University Press, 2005, ISBN0-521-48370-0.
- Leonard Eugene Dickson, "History of the Theory of Numbers Volume III: Quadratic and Higher Forms", Dover Publishing, Inc., 2005, ISBN0-486-44234-9.
- Harold Davenport, "Analytic Methods for Diophantine Equations and Diophantine Inequalities Second Edition", Cambridge University Press, 2005, ISBN0-521-60583-0.
- Ken Ono, "The Web of Modularity: Arithmetic of the Coeffients of Modular Forms and q-series", CBMS 102, AMS, 2003, ISBN0-8218-3368-5.
- Leonard Eugene Dickson, "History of the Theory of Numbers Volume I: Divisibility and Primarlity", Dover Publishing, Inc., 2005, ISBN0-486-44232-2.
- 池 泰弘, "コンピュータ将棋のアルゴリズム", 工学社, 2005, ISBN4-7775-1110-3.
- 加藤 和也, 黒川 信重, 斎藤 毅, "数論I Fermatの夢と類体論", 岩波書店, 2005(1刷), ISBN4-00-005527-5.
- 黒川 信重, 栗原 将人, 斎藤 毅, "数論II 岩澤理論と保型形式", 岩波書店, 2005(1刷), ISBN4-00-005528-3.
- S\,aban Alaca, Kenneth S. Williams, "Introductory Algebraic Number Theory", Cambridge Univercity Press, 2004, ISBN0-521-54011-9.
- H. S. M. Coxeter, "Regular Polytopes Third Edition", Dover Publications, Inc., 1973, ISBN0-486-61480-8.
- E. M. Edwards, "Riemann's Zeta Function", Dover Publications, Inc., 1974, ISBN0-486-41740-9.
- Marshall Kirk McKusick, George V. Neville-Neil, "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System", Addison-Wesley, 2005, ISBN0-201-70425-2.
- Mark Lutz, David Ascher(著), 夏目 大(訳), "初めてのPython 第2版", オライリー・ジャパン, 2004, ISBN4-87311-210-9, {4800円}.
[数学文化] Journal of Mathematical Culture, 日本数学協会(編), 日本評論社.
- [No.004]"特集=和算の贈り物", 2005/05, {1400円}, ISBN4-535-60234-4. [2005.06.25 丸善(丸の内本店)で購入].
数学の楽しみHave fun with Mathematics,上野 健爾, 砂川 利一, 新井 仁之(編), 日本評論社
- [2005春]"フォーラム:現代数学のひろがり 楕円曲線:その魅惑の世界", 2005/05, {2300円}, ISBN4-535-60314-6. [2005.06.25 丸善(丸の内本店)で購入]
Last Update: 2024.03.14 |
H.Nakao |