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Rational Points on Elliptic Curves: v^2=u^4-8u^3-26u^2-24u+9, y^2=x^3+x^2-4x+32

[2004.04.04]v^2=u^4-8u^3-26u^2-24u+9, y^2=x^3+x^2-4x+32の有理点

     C: v2=u4-8u3-26u2-24u+9

     E1: y2-8xy-48y = x3-42x2-36x+1512
     x = {6(-4u + v + 3)}/u2,
     y = {36(-7u2 - 4u + v + 3)}/u3
     u = {6(x-42)}/y,
     v = {3(2x3 - 168x2 + 8xy + 3528x-y2 - 336y)}/y2

gp>  read("./de13.gp")
time = 78 ms.
gp>  f1([u,v])
time = 32 ms.
%1 = [(-24*u + (6*v + 18))/u^2, (-252*u^2 - 144*u + (36*v + 108))/u^3]
gp>  %1[1]*u^2/6
time = 9 ms.
%2 = -4*u + (v + 3)
gp>  %1[2]*u^3/36
time = 11 ms.
%3 = -7*u^2 - 4*u + (v + 3)
gp>  g1([x,y])
time = 19 ms.
%4 = [6/y*x - 252/y, 6/y^2*x^3 - 504/y^2*x^2 + ((24*y + 10584)/y^2)*x + ((-3*y - 1008)/y)]
gp>  %4[1]*y/6
time = 3 ms.
%5 = x - 42
gp>  %4[2]*y^2/3
time = 20 ms.
%6 = 2*x^3 - 168*x^2 + (8*y + 3528)*x + (-y^2 - 336*y)

     E: Y2 = X3+X2-4X+32
     X = {x-10}/4,
     Y = {-4x+y-24}/8
     x = 2(2X+5),
     y = 8(2X+Y+8)

gp>  f2([x,y])
time = 1 ms.
%7 = [1/4*x - 5/2, -1/2*x + (1/8*y - 3)]
gp>  %7[1]*4
time = 0 ms.
%8 = x - 10
gp>  %7[2]*8
time = 0 ms.
%9 = -4*x + (y - 24)
gp>  g2([X,Y])
time = 1 ms.
%10 = [4*X + 10, 16*X + (8*Y + 64)]
gp>  %10[1]/2
time = 0 ms.
%11 = 2*X + 5
gp>  %10[2]/8
time = 0 ms.
%12 = 2*X + (Y + 8)

■双有理変換ξ=ψ o φ:C→Eを求めると、以下のようになる。
     X = {-5u2 - 12u + 3v + 9}/{2u2},
     Y = {3(-2u3 - 13u2 -2uv - 18u + 3v + 9)}/{2u3}

     u = {3(X - 8)}/{2X + Y + 8},
     v = {3(2X3 - 23X2 - 16X -Y2 - 48Y)}/{(2X+Y+8)2}
gp>  f([u,v])
time = 24 ms.
%13 = [(-5*u^2 - 12*u + (3*v + 9))/(2*u^2), (-6*u^3 - 39*u^2 + (-6*v - 54)*u + (9*v + 27))/(2*u^3)]
gp>  %13[1]*2*u^2
time = 1 ms.
%14 = -5*u^2 - 12*u + (3*v + 9)
gp>  %13[2]*2*u^3/3
time = 7 ms.
%15 = -2*u^3 - 13*u^2 + (-2*v - 18)*u + (3*v + 9)
gp>  g([X,Y])
time = 32 ms.
%16 = [(3*X - 24)/(2*X + (Y + 8)), (6*X^3 - 69*X^2 - 48*X + (-3*Y^2 - 144*Y))/(4*X^2 + (4*Y + 32)*X + (Y^2 + 16*Y + 64))]
gp>  %16[1]*(2*X+Y+8)/3
time = 4 ms.
%17 = X - 8
gp>  %16[2]*(2*X+Y+8)^2/3
time = 4 ms.
%18 = 2*X^3 - 23*X^2 - 16*X + (-Y^2 - 48*Y)

■楕円曲線E:Y2=X3+X2-4X+32のj-不変量j(E), 判別式Δ(E), conductor N(E)をpari/gpで計算すると、
     j(E) = -35152/1863,
     Δ(E) = -486928 = -28・34・23,
     N(E) = 552

gp>  e=ellinit([0,1,0,-4,32]) 
time = 214 ms.
%1 = [0, 1, 0, -4, 32, 4, -8, 128, 112, 208, -28864, -476928, -35152/1863, [-4.000000000000000000000000000, 1.500000000000000000000000000 - 2.397915761656359770798719032*I, 1.500000000000000000000000000 + 2.397915761656359770798719032*I]~, 2.446511007542945518026373136, -1.223255503771472759013186568 + 0.6481161030709770672174658388*I, -2.300446229736951659977971306 + 2.18809717 E-29*I, 1.150223114868475829988985653 - 1.893532824928403369155354473*I, 1.585623180328983630515214926]
gp>  e.j
time = 0 ms.
%2 = -35152/1863
gp>  ellglobalred(e)
time = 5 ms.
%3 = [552, [1, 0, 0, 0], 16]
gp>  e.disc
time = 0 ms.
%4 = -476928
gp>  factor(e.disc)
time = 0 ms.
%5 = 
[-1 1]

[2 8]

[3 4]

[23 1]

■楕円曲線Eのねじれ点群Etors(Q)は、 位数4の巡回群に同型である。

     Etors(Q) = Z/4Z = { (2,6),(-4,0),(2,-6),O }

gp>  e=ellinit([0,1,0,-4,32])
time = 206 ms.
%19 = [0, 1, 0, -4, 32, 4, -8, 128, 112, 208, -28864, -476928, -35152/1863, [-4.000000000000000000000000000, 1.500000000000000000000000000 - 2.397915761656359770798719032*I, 1.500000000000000000000000000 + 2.397915761656359770798719032*I]~, 2.446511007542945518026373136, -1.223255503771472759013186568 + 0.6481161030709770672174658388*I, -2.300446229736951659977971306 + 2.18809717 E-29*I, 1.150223114868475829988985653 - 1.893532824928403369155354473*I, 1.585623180328983630515214926]
gp>  elltors(e,1)
time = 80 ms.
%20 = [4, [4], [[2, 6]]]
gp>  for(i=1,4,print(ellpow(e,[2,6],i)))
[2, 6]
[-4, 0]
[2, -6]
time = 4 ms.


     E(Q) = Z×Z/4Z = {m(2,6)+n(-2,6): n \in Z, m=0,1,2,3 }

bash-2.05a$ mwrank3
Program mwrank: uses 2-descent (via 2-isogeny if possible) to
determine the rank of an elliptic curve E over Q, and list a
set of points which generate E(Q) modulo 2E(Q).
and finally search for further points on the curve.
For more details see the file mwrank.doc.
For details of algorithms see the author's book.

Please acknowledge use of this program in published work, 
and send problems to John.Cremona@nottingham.ac.uk.

Version compiled on Feb 11 2003 at 17:40:15 by GCC 3.2.1
using base arithmetic option LiDIA_ALL (LiDIA bigints and multiprecision floating point)
Using LiDIA multiprecision floating point with 15 decimal places.
Enter curve: [0,1,0,-4,32]

Curve [0,1,0,-4,32] :
1 points of order 2:
[-4 : 0 : 1]

Using 2-isogenous curve [0,22,0,-23,0]
First step, determining 1st descent Selmer groups
After first local descent, rank bound = 1
rk(S^{phi}(E'))=        2
rk(S^{phi'}(E))=        1

Second step, determining 2nd descent Selmer groups
After second local descent, rank bound = 1
rk(phi'(S^{2}(E)))=     2
rk(phi(S^{2}(E')))=     1
rk(S^{2}(E))=   2
rk(S^{2}(E'))=  3

Third step, determining E(Q)/phi(E'(Q)) and E'(Q)/phi'(E(Q))
1. E(Q)/phi(E'(Q))
(c,d)  =(-11,36)
First stage (no second descent yet)...
(2,0,-11,0,18):  (x:y:z) = (1:3:1)
        Curve E         Point [2 : 6 : 1], height = 0.827078390038745
After first global descent, this component of the rank = 2
2. E'(Q)/phi'(E(Q))
This component of the rank is 0

Summary of results:
        rank(E) = 1
        #E(Q)/2E(Q) = 4

Information on III(E/Q):
        #III(E/Q)[phi']    = 1
        #III(E/Q)[2]       = 1

Information on III(E'/Q):
        #phi'(III(E/Q)[2]) = 1
        #III(E'/Q)[phi]    = 1
        #III(E'/Q)[2]      = 1


List of points on E = [0,1,0,-4,32]:

I.  Points on E mod phi(E')
Point [-2 : 6 : 1], height = 0.827078390038745

II.  Points on phi(E') mod 2E
--none (modulo torsion).

Computing full set of 2 coset representatives for
2E(Q) in E(Q) (modulo torsion), and sorting into height order....done.

Rank = 1
After descent, rank of points found is 1

Generator 1 is [-2 : 6 : 1]; height 0.827078390038745

The rank has been determined unconditionally.
The basis given is for a subgroup of full rank of the Mordell-Weil group
 (modulo torsion), possibly of index greater than 1.
Regulator (of this subgroup) = 0.827078390038745

 (9 seconds)
Enter curve: [0,0,0,0,0]


gp>  rpE(5)
[2, 6]
[-4, 0]
[2, -6]
[-2, 6]
[-1, -6]
[14, -54]
[8, 24]
[-2, -6]
[8, -24]
[14, 54]
[-1, 6]
[28/9, -208/27]
[146, 1770]
[17/16, 351/64]
[-94/25, -354/125]
[28/9, 208/27]
[-94/25, 354/125]
[17/16, -351/64]
[146, -1770]
[2686/529, 157878/12167]
[-4024/1369, 263208/50653]
[-82/2401, -666954/117649]
[3623/121, -221334/1331]
[2686/529, -157878/12167]
[3623/121, 221334/1331]
[-82/2401, 666954/117649]
[-4024/1369, -263208/50653]
[-302351/97344, -149119255/30371328]
[1931378/413449, -3112510782/265847707]
[3156284/87025, 5677652448/25672375]
[90578/597529, 2589061362/461889917]
[-302351/97344, 149119255/30371328]
[90578/597529, -2589061362/461889917]
[3156284/87025, -5677652448/25672375]
[1931378/413449, 3112510782/265847707]
[2222041534/21911761, -105240287465034/102568953241]
[1171898807/347337769, 53496171771402/6473334000853]
[-4224965458/1154844289, 130467235694742/39245073473087]
[753053384/853749961, -136487648900184/24945720110459]
[2222041534/21911761, 105240287465034/102568953241]
[753053384/853749961, 136487648900184/24945720110459]
[-4224965458/1154844289, -130467235694742/39245073473087]
[1171898807/347337769, -53496171771402/6473334000853]
time = 54 ms.

gp>  rpE1(5)
[18, 144]
[-6, 0]
[18, 48]
[2, 80]
[6, 0]
[66, -144]
[42, 384]
[2, -16]
[42, 0]
[66, 720]
[6, 96]
[202/9, 1408/27]
[594, 16560]
[57/4, 999/8]
[-126/25, -2352/125]
[202/9, 4736/27]
[-126/25, 3312/125]
[57/4, 297/8]
[594, -11760]
[16034/529, 3030160/12167]
[-2406/1369, 2965248/50653]
[23682/2401, 2129616/117649]
[15702/121, -1047840/1331]
[16034/529, 504112/12167]
[15702/121, 2493504/1331]
[23682/2401, 12800880/117649]
[-2406/1369, -1246080/50653]
[-58991/24336, -94815655/3796416]
[11860002/413449, 11984183856/265847707]
[13495386/87025, 61961912064/25672375]
[6337602/597529, 51393714288/461889917]
[-58991/24336, 203422855/3796416]
[6337602/597529, 9968732496/461889917]
[13495386/87025, -28880527104/25672375]
[11860002/413449, 61784356368/265847707]
[9107283746/21911761, -668935863982384/102568953241]
[8160972918/347337769, 1191713599282752/6473334000853]
[-5351418942/1154844289, 1258190569288080/39245073473087]
[11549713146/853749961, 856680365101440/24945720110459]
[9107283746/21911761, 1014908735458160/102568953241]
[11549713146/853749961, 3040482747504384/24945720110459]
[-5351418942/1154844289, -829285201827792/39245073473087]
[8160972918/347337769, 335774850940320/6473334000853]
time = 41 ms.

gp>  rpC(5)
[-1, -4]
[-3, 12]
[-3, -12]
[-1, 4]
[0, -3]
[15, 132]
[1/5, -44/25]
[-9/4, -111/16]
[-9/4, 111/16]
[1/5, 44/25]
[-4/3, -37/9]
[15, -132]
[-99/148, -87657/21904]
[-245/23, -74548/529]
[-148/33, 29219/1089]
[-69/245, 223644/60025]
[-69/245, -223644/60025]
[-148/33, -29219/1089]
[-245/23, 74548/529]
[-99/148, 87657/21904]
[-53337/31507, 4671141396/992691049]
[3245/11544, -22206263/133263936]
[-31507/17779, -1557047132/316092841]
[34632/3245, 66618789/10530025]
[34632/3245, -66618789/10530025]
[-31507/17779, 1557047132/316092841]
[3245/11544, 22206263/133263936]
[-53337/31507, -4671141396/992691049]
[-27348984/5497915, -994312149211221/30227069347225]
[-26268859/3009883, 876380957054108/9059395673689]
[-5497915/9116328, 331437383070407/83107436203584]
[-9029649/26268859, -2629142871162324/690052953161881]
[-9029649/26268859, 2629142871162324/690052953161881]
[-5497915/9116328, -331437383070407/83107436203584]
[-26268859/3009883, -876380957054108/9059395673689]
[-27348984/5497915, 994312149211221/30227069347225]
[22350291123/98649760445, 14228109659884619200164/9731775235855886598025]
[-47425826404/33837281289, -4782631699047467865491/1144961605030909501521]
[98649760445/7450097041, -4742703219961539733388/55503945920316955681]
[-101511843867/47425826404, 14347895097142403596473/2249209010102343571216]
time = 55 ms.

     x12+x22+x32 = y12+y22+y32,
     x13+x23+x33 = y13+y23+y33,
     x14+x24+x34 = y14+y24+y34
の自明でない整数解 (x1,x2,x3; y1,y2,y3) の一部[x1+x2=±(y1+y2)を満たすもの]を求めている。

ここで、整数解(x1,x2,x3; y1,y2,y3)が自明であるとは、 x1,x2,x3がy1,y2,y3を置換したものであるということとする。

Diophantus方程式系Sは同次形なので、Sの整数解(x1,x2,x3; y1,y2,y3)!=(0,0,0;0,0,0)を射影空間P5(Q)の有理点(x1:x2:x3:y1:y2:y3)と見なして良い。


bash-2.05a$ asir
This is Risa/Asir, Version 20011226 (Kobe Distribution).
Copyright (C) 1994-2000, all rights reserved, FUJITSU LABORATORIES LIMITED.
Copyright 2000,2001, Risa/Asir committers, http://www.openxm.org/.
GC 5.3, copyright 1999, H-J. Boehm, A. J. Demers, Xerox, SGI, HP.
PARI 2.2.1(alpha), copyright (C) 2000,
     C. Batut, K. Belabas, D. Bernardi, H. Cohen and M. Olivier.
[0] X1=(3+u^2)*v-27+18*u^2+8*u^3+u^4;
[1] X2=-(3+u^2)*v+9+24*u+18*u^2-3*u^4;
[2] X3=2*(3-u^2)*v+18+12*u+12*u^2+4*u^3+2*u^4;
[3] Y1=(3+u^2)*v+27-18*u^2-8*u^3-u^4;
[4] Y2=-(3+u^2)*v-9-24*u-18*u^2+3*u^4;
[5] Y3=2*(3-u^2)*v-18-12*u-12*u^2-4*u^3-2*u^4;
[6] X1+X2+Y1+Y2;
[7] F2=X1^2+X2^2+X3^2-(Y1^2+Y2^2+Y3^2);
[8] F3=X1^3+X2^3+X3^3-(Y1^3+Y2^3+Y3^3);
[9] fctr(F3);
[10] F4=X1^4+X2^4+X3^4-(Y1^4+Y2^4+Y3^4);
[11] fctr(F4);
[12] quit;
gp>  rpS(10)
[-1, 0, 2, -1, 2, 0]
[776, -1233, 410, 815, -358, -1224]
[-931219912, 378382959, -156845590, 357088490, 195748463, -932263416]
[147729270939734015, -220931652694759344, 207749597674213298, -156840985477974094, 230043367232999423, -190461498615919440]
[-43992346521996843142080660865, -29910196385462462465784243024, 122741732517246503591277139538, 122563310654814476373862529663, -48660767747355170765997625774, 22490972972129645890059151440]
[-14153014093421377052189631057444575761819432, 7163833468298268650660674774340400158811759, 19736348798529055286396719073791446186775370, -13031913215316551317153327809205551969223057, 20021093840439659718682284092309727572230730, -8395047419047777542267556863556589393918616]
[2169563594807642920865024879670798387367521482213257599724136, -4556067701983900569194627711004319355341304579542997151226833, -210459342831468725785492243422367783084868082948503491570630, 2168617382531060875735837854151383678082798245948937638602042, 217886724645196772593764977182137289890984851380801912900655, -4556169032791484907564968484169682434039225041750082485261864]
[-558008934247048080809648502838496642508316518575593201918221426957488782222304641, 293193749230864193656855256848957756778007055996729869794562086643005859666402720, 29412090918398092017275871399888222871219678253177441097079791505875058320862562, 293317526893397899186631378645201874368921689957655156252342466807300133187038562, -28502341877214012033838132655662988638612227378791824128683126492817210631136641, -557991094287735594639028388330963163775232824379585805722951814029962377899567520]
[10919054776498828657107554553522006679785665907192223279293339122777839408328960148139343506913617153919, -30022391586983904349423688319589337480859208126755786471766519132663294257830394125090381745156390652320, 48203382740859947007964100405993683870107847102176868807323668875690012571697735488025757975571430648482, -29258882166154502706453886647672179596292405822883314142609178280655655348131081458189874722692160254081, 48362218976639578398770020413739510397365948042446877335082358290541110197632515435140912960934933752482, -12212675854163454650224818736663818898196059475570523205715265098020706532616838486380415702360147280480]
[-781669846687056834258938818334703500422583723203238495576713260686376383508497585129247231016035174739870335128013710631669989464, -1829146191835628395157681557525846526292301854056096671343028677126070428730944813809302911335545050389798574512133080417707606993, 4497930421089589015274212956296739190650805117671106860328342156463727370299141926191300553683971459995139432105636374306539149050, 4494583316984713624527088476189880196718658526812408045906114397285877174779961998465201623504446359226162744251558438482880406575, -1883767278462028395110468100329330170003772949553072878986372459473430362540519599526651481152866134096493834611411647433502810118, 662044757224289197914492053692339408645129409894758452031955625680307102240057678914369046441300842288719990052047602820959760536]
time = 84 ms.
gp>  check(776, -1233, 410, 815, -358, -1224)
time = 33 ms.
gp>  check(-931219912, 378382959, -156845590, 357088490, 195748463, -93263416)
time = 15 ms.
gp>  check(147729270939734015, -220931652694759344, 207749597674213298,-156840985477974094, 230043367232999423, -190461498615919440)
time = 24 ms.
gp>  check(-43992346521996843142080660865, -2991019638546246246578424304, 122741732517246503591277139538, 122563310654814476373862529663, -48660767747355170765997625774, 22490972972129645890059151440)
time = 6 ms.
gp>  check(-14153014093421377052189631057444575761819432, 716383346829868650660674774340400158811759, 19736348798529055286396719073791446186775370, -13031913215316551317153327809205551969223057, 20021093840439659718682284092309727572230730, -8395047419047777542267556863556589393918616)
time = 5 ms.

よって、Diophantus方程式系Sの自明でない整数解(x1,x2,x3; y1,y2,y3)で、x1+x2=-(y1+y2)を満たすものは、以下のように無数に存在することが分かる。


Last Update: 2005.06.12

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