bash-2.05a$ gp Reading GPRC: /home/his/.gprc ...Done. GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.1.4 (released) i386 running netbsd 32-bit version (readline v4.2a enabled, extended help available) Copyright (C) 2002 The PARI Group PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Type ? for help, \q to quit. Type ?12 for how to get moral (and possibly technical) support. realprecision = 28 significant digits seriesprecision = 16 significant terms format = g0.28 parisize = 50000000, primelimit = 500000 (14:11) gp > e=ellinit([0,0,0,0,17]) time = 211 ms. %1 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 68, 0, 0, -14688, -124848, 0, [-2.571281590658235355453187208, 1.285640795329117677726593604 - 2.226795177793291960399614420*I, 1.285640795329117677726593604 + 2.226795177793291960399614420*I]~, 2.623317490417413763558092311, -1.311658745208706881779046155 + 0.7572865296311736716725953290*I, -2.074243057723385189843594282 - 2.31403376 E-29*I, 1.037121528861692594921797141 - 1.796347181611963338818109851*I, 1.986602998438962962551431874] (14:12) gp > elltors(e) time = 5 ms. %2 = [1, [], []] (14:12) gp > ellglobalred(e) time = 6 ms. %3 = [10404, [1, 0, 0, 0], 6] (14:12) gp > p1=[-2,3];p2=[4,9]; time = 1 ms. (14:13) gp > for(i=-3,3,for(j=-3,3,print(i,"P1+",j,"P2=",elladd(e,ellpow(e,p1,i),ellpow(e,p2,j))))) -3P1+-3P2=[298927/40401, 166830380/8120601] -3P1+-2P2=[382/2809, 613881/148877] -3P1+-1P2=[-206/81, -541/729] -3P1+0P2=[19/25, -522/125] -3P1+1P2=[106/9, -1097/27] -3P1+2P2=[1222/49, 42741/343] -3P1+3P2=[5023/3249, 842480/185193] -2P1+-3P2=[-27116/14161, -5323359/1685159] -2P1+-2P2=[137/64, -2651/512] -2P1+-1P2=[52, -375] -2P1+0P2=[8, 23] -2P1+1P2=[1/4, 33/8] -2P1+2P2=[-64/25, -59/125] -2P1+3P2=[1084/1681, -286401/68921] -1P1+-3P2=[5234, 378661] -1P1+-2P2=[94/25, 1047/125] -1P1+-1P2=[-1, 4] -1P1+0P2=[-2, -3] -1P1+1P2=[2, -5] -1P1+2P2=[43, -282] -1P1+3P2=[1466/169, 56857/2197] 0P1+-3P2=[-1007/484, 30105/10648] 0P1+-2P2=[-8/9, -109/27] 0P1+-1P2=[4, -9] 0P1+0P2=[0] 0P1+1P2=[4, 9] 0P1+2P2=[-8/9, 109/27] 0P1+3P2=[-1007/484, -30105/10648] 1P1+-3P2=[1466/169, -56857/2197] 1P1+-2P2=[43, 282] 1P1+-1P2=[2, 5] 1P1+0P2=[-2, 3] 1P1+1P2=[-1, -4] 1P1+2P2=[94/25, -1047/125] 1P1+3P2=[5234, -378661] 2P1+-3P2=[1084/1681, 286401/68921] 2P1+-2P2=[-64/25, 59/125] 2P1+-1P2=[1/4, -33/8] 2P1+0P2=[8, -23] 2P1+1P2=[52, 375] 2P1+2P2=[137/64, 2651/512] 2P1+3P2=[-27116/14161, 5323359/1685159] 3P1+-3P2=[5023/3249, -842480/185193] 3P1+-2P2=[1222/49, -42741/343] 3P1+-1P2=[106/9, 1097/27] 3P1+0P2=[19/25, 522/125] 3P1+1P2=[-206/81, 541/729] 3P1+2P2=[382/2809, -613881/148877] 3P1+3P2=[298927/40401, -166830380/8120601] time = 86 ms. (14:16) gp > quit Good bye! bash-2.05a$